
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

2011 Non-Fiction Challenge

My 2011 Book Challenges are growing as I find more of them to join!

This challenge, run by The Broke and the Bookish, promotes reading non-fiction books in order to learn and grow in 2011. Here are the rules and guidelines:


- The challenge runs from January 17th to December 31st 2011.
-  Anyone who links a review up is eligible to be entered to win a book of their choice (under $15). How many reviews you link up determines how many entries you get. Additional prizes may be added once I organize this more and depending on how many people sign up. (International readers welcome if Book Depository ships to you).
- Anyone can join. If you don't have a blog, you can link reviews on Goodreads or Amazon or wherever you have your reviews.
- You can join the challenge at any point throughout the year.

Here's the challenge:


Culture: Non-fiction books about different cultures, religions and foreign lands; memoirs & biographies count.

Art: Non-fiction books about anything art related (painters, music, architecture, photography, dance, literature, film, etc.). Memoirs/biographies of any people related to the arts count.

Food: Food memoirs, anything related to food industry, food lifestyles

Medical: anything related to the medical field--industry memoirs, memoirs about illnesses (mental included) /diseases, etc.

Travel: travelogues, industry memoirs, travel guides, etc.

Memoir/Biography: Self explanatory

Money: Anything related to finances, economics, history of money, financial improvement etc.

Science/Nature: Anything related to any scientific field, memoirs count.

History: Anything history related-- events, biographies of historic figures, etc.


1-3 books from different categories: Master of Trivial Pursuit
4-6 books from different categories: Apply For Who Wants to Be A Millionaire
7-9 books from different categories: Future Jeopardy Champion

For now, I am only planning on following the first level, Master of Trivial Pursuit. This means that I will read 1 to 3 (probably 3) non-fiction books, each from a different category. I am choosing the lowest level becasue while I do read non-fiction books, they tend to all be science related, which means that only one of them will count for this challenge.

My current book will be the first to count for the 2011 Non-Fiction Challenge: Human by Michael Gazzaniga.

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